Sometimes, studying can be really tough. Deadlines to reach, social lives non-existent and constant stress, which makes it so easy not to do it. After all, what’s the harm in one more cat video, or another Netflix series? If you’re a student living in Leeds, check out these student hacks to help create a calm working space.


Break the material down

Sometimes the task ahead can seem so overwhelming. Break each task down into small chunks, prioritising the most important ones and rather than being faced with a mammoth task, you’ve got a load of smaller ones, which are much more manageable and far less daunting.


Get rid of distractions

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s so easy to get distracted by social media and those all-important hilarious videos. Forest is an app that helps you stay focused and off your phone. Simply plant a seed and pop your phone down. The seed will gradually grow into a tree; however, if you can’t resist the temptation of using your phone, the tree will die. The longer you’re off your phone and focused on the work you need to do, the bigger your forest will get and flourish with lots of trees. Probably the best student advice we’ve ever dispensed!

Other ways to eliminate distractions include:


Reward yourself

Set a time to study, then once you’ve completed it, reward yourself with a short period of relaxation. It could be playing on your phone, a short walk, or having a dance break.


Take note

Rewrite any notes you have taken from your lectures, then read them every night. Yes, it takes time and sounds yawnsville, but the more you read over something and write it down, the more you’ll remember it. All of which will be super helpful when it comes to the dreaded (whisper it) exam season.


Visualise goals

Remind yourself why you want to do well in the first place, then draw or write those reasons down. The next time you feel unmotivated, look back at the list.

Some examples could be:


Study in short bursts

Research shows that we learn better when we study in short bursts. It’s called ‘spaced learning,’ so believe it when they say less is more.


Get a group together

Many students find it beneficial to study together. It’s fun, challenging and a great way to learn more. It also means that if there’s an area you don’t completely understand, the chances are someone in the group will be able to explain it to you in a way that makes sense.


Exercise regularly

While this might not be to everyone’s taste, regular exercise such as swimming, jogging or walking sends oxygen, blood and nutrients to the brain, which helps us think and concentrate. It’s also been proven that short periods of light exercise boosts your memory and helps you to recall new information.