There are literally hundreds of student houses available to rent each year in Leeds. Some are luxury student homes, and some not so much! So, when it comes to choosing, how do you know which one to pick? The best way is to draw up a list of criteria and order them by importance. Here are some suggestions to consider…



There are five different universities in Leeds and picking your house should really depend on where most of your teaching will take place. The University of Leeds is in the north of the city, whist Leeds Beckett University is divided between two main campuses, one in the city centre and another in Headingly. Then there’s Leeds Trinity which is based out of the city centre in Horsforth, and Leeds Arts University and Leeds Conservatoire which are both in the city centre.

Look at where you will be studying and pick your property based around that – whether because it’s a walk away or because there are easy public transport links. Student houses in Leeds tend to be based around the Hyde Park and Headingly areas, though Burley, Woodhouse and Meanwood are also popular.



The heart of a home is always the people living in it, and student accommodation is no different. It’s likely that you will end up living with friends you made in halls or on your course, in which case you should already have a good idea of their living habits. But if you are moving straight into a house share with strangers then there are a few things you can do to help you make the right decision.

Firstly, make sure you have met everyone in the house share when you are looking around it. Chat, ask questions and trust your instincts. Once you’ve moved in, try and be sociable. Suggest some shared dinners or a trip to the pub, if that’s not your thing then look for some common ground in your film or board game tastes.


House basics

Give some thought to the things that will make your life easier. For example, having a washing machine in your home will save you literally hours schlepping your dirty clothes to and from a launderette. A decent cooker is important, and if you can get a house with an extra toilet or bathroom, then that can save queues in the morning.

Also, check that your property is fitted with working fire alarms in the right places, and that the doors and windows are secure, so you always feel safe. Going through a reputable letting company means that all these essential checks are carried out.


Ground rules

They don’t have to be formal but establishing an understanding of how you all want to live can be helpful and harmonious. Tidiness is often at the root of most housemate disagreements, so agree a cleaning rota for the bathrooms and kitchen at the very least.


For the latest listings of luxury student homes in Leeds browse our properties. We have a selection of sizes and areas available.