The prospect of starting university can be exciting and daunting at the same time. This may be the first time that you’ve lived away from home and also it might be the first time that you’ve had to make new friends since starting high school or college.
With only a few weeks left to go, we wanted to share a few tips that past students have found helpful when starting university. Hopefully they will be useful while you settle in.
Find a balance between studies and social life
Life is all about balance but finding that sweet spot is not always easy. Of course, you want to enjoy all that your new town/city has to offer in terms of entertainment and fun, but also remember that you are at university to study and further your education after all.
Try to set a few study/socialising rules for yourself early on in your term-life i.e. set an hour of library study each day or allow yourself three nights out each week to socialise. Of course, you can mix things up a little now and then, but having some clear boundaries now will stand you in good stead for the future years to come.
Keep on top of your budget
Managing a student budget can be tricky, but again, the balance is all in the planning. So, it’s worth sitting down with a friend or family member to go over your incomings and outgoings before you head off to uni. Write down what income you have coming into your account, for example from a loan, parent or part-time job. And then note down what expenses you have coming out of your account, for example rent for your student accommodation, money for text books and equipment, grocery spend plus cash for socialising/exercise/activities. This way, there will be no surprises when it comes to the end of the month and your bank account is empty!
New bank accounts, overdrafts and student loans are all very appealing, but remember that any money you borrow will have to be paid back in the future. When you get your first job after uni, trust us, you won’t want to be paying huge chunks of your wages each month to cover what you spent during Freshers Week.
Try to get involved in as many opportunities as you can
The more things you try at university, the more people you will meet and the more you can figure out what you really enjoy doing. Especially in the first few weeks, try to jump out of your comfort zone and sample a few new things that you’ve never tried before. It could be a new sporting club, a cookery course or a debating society. From Tai Chi to yoga or boxing, the opportunities are endless.
It’s always important to try something once that you have an interest in, because you’ll never know where it could take you, who you might meet and what you might learn along the way.
However, don’t do anything that you know you won’t enjoy, and never be peer pressured into doing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or anxious. It’s okay to say no thanks to something you don’t enjoy, and people will be more understanding than you think.
Never be afraid to ask for help
As we said at the start of this article, beginning university can be daunting. But, there are many different support services available for you at University for whatever issues you may face. You’re likely to face a few problems throughout your university life – whether they be personal, social, financial or academic – and there will always be someone willing to help you.
Everyone at your chosen university will be keen to make students’ experiences as positive as possible, so no student should feel alone. Be sure to ask for help when you need it, even if you feel as though the issue is only small. And, if you have a question or problem with your university accommodation with Beyond Lettings, then our friendly team are always here to help and support you.