A big part of the student experience is knowing how to do a lot with not very much. When your days are spent studying and being intellectual in the library, there isn’t a lot of time left for earning money. That means you have to be clever about how you spend and save any money that you do have.

It’s time to get a head start now so you can plan your student budget accordingly when term begins…


Get a job

It’s pretty obvious advice, but if you want to save money, you have to be earning it first. Bars, restaurants, shops, and temping agencies can all be a good source of employment, but if you are struggling to find something formal then think about what else you could do to earn some money. Lawn mowing, dog walking, babysitting, and cleaning cars are all good for bringing in some cash over the long summer holidays. You could also have a think about any holiday schemes that might be running. Leisure centres, outdoor play centres, and any kid-friendly places nearby are bound to be looking for some extra hands during the summer.


Choose the right bank account

When you have money coming in its very tempting to spend it all, but if you want to get through the year without being broke by November then it is sensible to squirrel some away. Student bank accounts are great for a few reasons. Firstly, they often have free overdrafts, which will undoubtedly come in handy before the first semester is out. Secondly, they often come with various offers to entice you in. Travel cards are useful if you are going to be journeying around by bus or train, and there are also often discounts for food and entertainment. Some banks will have some student saving ideas and advice available, so it’s worth reading the documentation. The choice is pretty vast, so shop around.


Plan your spending

Managing a student budget is hard if you are starting from scratch, so it’s worth researching for some tips and advice. Any student can tell you that the first few weeks of a semester can be eye wateringly expensive. There’s Fresher’s Week, which can leave you feeling skint even if you aren’t a fresher anymore. The list of textbooks can be lengthy too. These are all things that you can find out about first so speak to your university about what costs you can expect. Reading lists are available in advance so ask for a copy and see what the library or eBay has to offer.


Enjoy some perks

There are many perks to being a student, and the wealth of offers and discounts available can send you into a tailspin. Apps like UniDays and Student Beans are good for shopping and entertaining discounts, and some regional companies will also give you a helping hand. As a Beyond Letting customer for example, you can get access to our Beyond Perks discount and benefit scheme. Brands like Asos, PureGym and Just Eat all take part, and you can feel like a savvy student spender while still getting your fix of shopping fun.


For more hints and tips about student life, and for some of the best student properties in Leeds, have a browse of our website.