You’re now two semesters into your academic year, and likely to be two semesters into your student house. Perhaps you’re in one of those shared households who tidy as you go, keep a nice, hoovered floor and your bathroom is spick and span. Or maybe, your house has become – how shall we put this – a bit like a pigsty?

We believe strongly that affordable student houses don’t have to mean mess, and our luxury Leeds student homes are the perfect example of that. So, if you feel inspired by the season to have a student spring clean, here are some of our top tips.


Share the load

Make sure you’re not lumbered with all the hard work – spring cleaning a student house only works if you’re all involved. Tackle the shared spaces first like the kitchen, bathroom and living room. Draw up a list of what needs doing and allocate people jobs. For example, one person could take on all the washing up, while another cleans the oven, and someone else can get to work on the floor and the cupboards (there’s bound to be a load of old crumbs stuck in there). When they are all done you can take a well-earned break before starting on your bedrooms.


Use the right products

Sometimes cleaning is about effort and elbow grease, but a lot of it is about using the right products for the job. Bleach will quickly get rid of any dirt and scum from your toilet, but there are plenty of more eco-friendly options too. Supermarkets have some pretty good eco ranges now, otherwise you could try this trick using citric acid.

When it comes to the white limescale around your taps and sinks, rub a bit of lemon juice over the area and leave it for a few minutes. The acid will dissolve the build-up, making it easy to rub away with a sponge.


Open the windows

Probably the main reason that spring cleaning happens in spring is that finally we can open all the windows, shake out our duvets, rugs and cushions, and watch the vast clouds of winter dust float away. There’s not much that is more statisfying, if you ask us.


Don’t forget the outside areas

If your student house has a garden or outside area, then now is the time to make the most of it and get ready for some summer socialising. Pick up any rubbish like cigarette ends, and have a quick run around with a broom. A little effort often makes a big difference. If you plan on using the outside space for parties, it might help to put out some ashtrays or a bin for empty bottles in preparation. It’s always easiest to keep tidy as you go.


Reward your efforts

A successful student spring clean deserves some celebration, so be sure to reward all your efforts. What about a night out with your housemates, or a group dinner cooked in your sparkling new kitchen, or both! And while you’re enjoying the feeling of cleanliness and order, you could draw up a plan to keep it that way.


For more information about student living in Leeds, and for some of the best of Leeds’ student rental properties, browse our website.