It’s almost time to get stuck into uni life! And, with that new life comes fresher’s week – the chance to meet you friends, join new clubs and find out all the best places for students to eat and drink in Leeds.

It’s likely that, right now, you are experiencing a mixture of excitement and nerves in the lead up to leaving home, and that is totally to be expected. But, in order to help you feel a little more prepared, we thought we would give you our best tips on getting through fresher’s week…


  1. Find your tribe

Making new friends may seem scary at first but remember that almost everyone starting uni will be feeling the same. Be as open and friendly as you possibly can and begin conversations with strangers whenever an opportunity arises – most people will appreciate you making the first move and you never know; they could become a forever friend from then on. New friends can be made in the most unusual of places, so whether you are in the library, the pub, or the gym, make it an opportunity to strike up a convo.


  1. Try something new

Starting university is the ideal time to step out of your usual comfort zone and try new things. It’s likely you will be approached by various teams and clubs during fresher’s week, so keep an open mind and consider activities that you might not have tried before. You never know, you might soon become an expert in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu or bouldering!


  1. Don’t blow all your budget in the first week

It’s tempting to want to go out and spend money once your student loan has hit your bank account. But bear in mind that this is to last you the full term, so spending it all during fresher’s week will leave you broke for the next few months! Be sure to work out a budget and stick to it. You could try one of the free budgeting apps on your phone to keep track of your spending. Money Dashboard is on example of an app where you can see all your accounts in one place and know how much money you have left to spend until your next payday/loan day.


  1. Look after your wellbeing

It goes without saying but taking care of yourself is the number one priority both during fresher’s week and beyond. It’s likely you will be busy and out-and-about lots, but make sure to stay healthy by eating fruit and veg as well as carbs and protein. Don’t just rely on eating late-night takeaways – your bank account will thank you for this, too. Sleep is really important too, so try to get in your 7 – 9 hours of sleep per day, and remember that alcohol can interfere with your sleep hygiene.

Stay safe and be responsible on nights out, especially when alcohol is involved. Familiarise yourself with the area you are going out in and keep an eye on your belongings – particularly your drink. If you’re going home late at night, travel back with friends and on trusted transport (e.g., on a dedicated uni bus or certified taxi company).


  1. Be a good flatmate from the start

It’s a good idea to get off to a good start with your housemates as chances are you will be spending quite a bit of time with them over the next year or so. Even if you are not the most confident of people, try not to shut yourself away in your student room while your new flat mates get to know each other. Take a deep breath and get out there and most importantly: be yourself. Keep your door open when everyone is moving in and offer help if they need it.

Living with a group of people is a team game. Helping out with the washing up, general cleaning and other household chores will make you a good housemate and will ensure you enjoy some great times in your student accommodation. For further advice, take a look at our guide on How to be a good uni housemate.


On behalf of the whole Beyond Lettings team, we hope you have a fantastic fresher’s week in Leeds and soon get settled into your new student home.